Male Foeticide!! Does that sound like Parity?

Isn’t that headline shocking, sounds bizarre and runs down your nerves!! Think differently, out of the box in real and true sense! Now the actual question emerges... Are we Qualified? Have we heard the term female foeticide in animals, from where has this concept been seeded in and emerged? Probably the seed lies in ownership... Ownership of a girl child till her life!! From the day, this tradition of parting away from girls after marriage has emerged; lands into a series of cascading effects. One primarily being, the another house she lands into is mostly a frictional mode of relationships. The girl is always seen as a foreign body amidst the environment, the major shift of a foreign body attracts a lot of insecurities, adjustment of perspectives, thought processes, adaptation etc. the process is so complex that it lasts for years, passing on generations of the baggage of mom-in-laws; or if not, the modern day has a solution called divorce . Let us begin with the se...